Grow your practice, Gain financial independence.

Discover your path to success and autonomy — It's Right Here.

The flexibility and infrastructure to pursue your desired path lives here. At Thurston Springer, we don’t just see the horizon, we own the compass. Our hybrid business model empowers us to leverage a bespoke wealth management platform that helps you redefine success with unparalleled autonomy and unwavering support.

Strategic advisory solutions to achieve your vision.

We’re dedicated to assisting advisors with critical aspects of your professional journey. Together, we're more than just numbers and charts — we're the architects of financial futures.

Meet Our Team

Access to Growth Capital

Whether you seek to expand via strategic acquisition, recruit experienced financial advisors to your business or begin planning your succession, Thurston Springer connects successful practitioners to growth capital.

Our team includes professionals from wealth management, finance, tax and strategic consulting with skills that ensure a comprehensive approach to meet your business needs.

Two people working at a table

Comprehensive Marketing Services

When you partner with Thurston Springer, you’ll benefit from comprehensive support that includes a full range of branding and marketing services. This tailored approach will not only help you achieve your current business goals but also create a strong foundation for your long-term vision, ensuring sustained growth and success.

  • Brand development and refinement
  • Messaging support including social media development
  • Marketing asset development
  • Website design and maintenance


9000 Keystone Crossing
7th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46240


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